As winter approaches, you expect your trees to start shedding their leaves. However, not all trees do this. 

Evergreen trees retain their leaves throughout the year. You can also find deciduous trees with persistent leaves during the winter. That means these trees can carry out photosynthesis continuously, a process critical for their survival. 

In this blog post, a certified arborist in Boerne, TX, explores some of the trees that don’t lose their leaves. 

Olive Trees 

Many Texas property owners choose olive trees for the shimmering silver-green leaves. Besides their aesthetic appeal, these trees produce fruits and give us valuable olive oil. 

Are you looking for trees with permanent foliage that are both beautiful and practical? You can’t go wrong with olive trees. 

Magnolia Trees

Are you looking for non-deciduous tree species that can transform your landscape from drab to stunning? Plant magnolia trees, which you can often find in the Eastern part of Texas. Their big, waxy, fragrant white flowers and expanse of glossy, dark green, feathery leaves are quite eye-catching. 

These evergreen marvels thrive in full sun. Boerne provides just that, including well-drained soils to optimize the tree’s performance. The magnolia tree’s conspicuous flowers add to their glamor, which is why so many garden enthusiasts love them!

Cypress Trees

Ask any experienced arborist in Boerne about trees retaining foliage in winter, and cypress comes up every time. These trees boast delicate, feathery foliage that exhibits a vibrant green hue all year round. 

Many tree lovers plant cypress trees for their ornamental value. It can also be a perfect choice if you want species that can thrive in various soil conditions. 

Live Oak

Could a tree effectively shield you against Texas’s scorching heat? A Live Oak would be a perfect choice for this very reason.

These trees can grow up to 50 feet tall. Their short, stout trunk casts an expansive canopy to create adequate shade on your property. Live Oaks also easily withstand stress, thanks to their exceptionally hardy wood.

Cedar Trees

Our list of trees that don’t lose their leaves wouldn’t be complete without cedar trees. Evergreen needles make these trees visually appealing, not to mention the aromatic wood. 

Cedar trees are a popular choice in Boerne, Texas, for their ornamental and practical purposes. They also hold historical and cultural significance here.

Holly Trees

You’ll often see holly trees during the holiday season. These trees can give your landscape a stunning look during the winter. This is thanks to their spiky, deep green leaves and sparkling red berries.

Besides their aesthetic appeal, holly trees also play a significant role in providing food and shelter for various birds and animals.

Pine Trees

Pine trees stand out with their slender needles and unique cones. They’re also available in a wide variety of species, which means you can easily find a variety that best suits your soil type and climate. 

Pine trees aren’t only visually charming but also have a phenomenal aroma. This makes them a popular choice for landscaping and forestry in Boerne, Texas. 

Contact Your Local Tree Experts for Assistance

Now you know about trees that don’t lose their leaves. Don’t be surprised when you see leaves on trees year-round. 

Do you need help choosing the right trees to plant on your property? Maybe you’re looking for a reliable tree service in Boerne, TX. Turn to the professionals at Rockoff Tree Solutions for a wide range of services, including:

  • Tree health management
  • Air spading
  • Soil aeration and more

Contact Rockoff Tree Solutions at 1-830-955-0304 for a free estimate, to learn what causes curly leaves on trees, or anything else you’d like to know.